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Parking information

On the 7th of May, parking on Chalmers Campus Johanneberg will be significantly affected by Chalmersloppet.

Karta över Campus Johanneberg med parkeringar utmärkta.
1. Vasa
2. Vasa
3. Vasa
4. Kemivägen
5. Fysikgården
6. Gibraltarvallen
7. Gibraltarvallen
8. P-hus vid Science Park Johanneberg

Parking map Campus Johanneberg


1. Unaffected by the race. 

2. Unaffected by the race.

3. Unaffected by the race.

4. The parking lots on Kemivägen will be unaffected, however it won't be possible to drive up to Chabo.

5. As runners will cross Chalmers Tvärgata, leaving or entering this parking lot between 14:30-17:30 will not be recommended. Plan your day accordingly.

6. Exit through Engdahlsgatan if you can. Turning left while exiting towards Chalmers Tvärgata will be prohibited, as it will be occupied by runners. 

7. Open as usual. exit through Engdahlsgatan.

8. Exit through the upper exit. The exit through Betongvägen will be closed.

Do you want to know more about what parking possibilites there are originally at campus? Visit Chalmers fastigheter and take a look at

their parking map:




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